Shortcuts to Scrumptious Japanese Food

Miso Soup: A Healthy, Humble Homemade Classic


Miso soup is not only delicious and a snap to make, it is low in calories and has numerous health benefits. It is easily varied—nearly every family boasts its own recipe—and can be made with nearly any type of vegetable. Come up with your own favorite version and make it a part of your daily diet. Along with miso, add homemade or granulated dashi (soup stock) for extra savory flavor.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 1 potato
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 tsp granulated dashi (soup stock)
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tbsp of your favorite miso
  • Shichimi tōgarashi (seven-spice chili mix), to taste


  1. Peel the potato and cut into eighths. Thinly slice the onion. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add water, and boil on low heat until soft.
  2. Stir in the granulated soup stock.

Adding granulated soup stock is a convenient way to add a savory kick to your miso soup. (©

  1. Gently mix in your favorite miso and serve with a dash of shichimi tōgarashi.

Add the soup stock to the boiled vegetables and mix in the miso last. (©

Cooking Tips

  • My father often used this recipe when making miso soup for our family.
  • Although this recipe calls for potato and onion, it can be made with spinach, endive, chicory, cabbage, or nearly any vegetable you want.
  • Miso soup is a tasty way to enjoy vegetables. I make it every day to help keep my family healthy and happy.
  • Miso is made by fermenting soybeans and is a great source of such nutrients and healthy compounds as Vitamin E, disease-fighting isoflavones, and protein. For this recipe I recommend mildly sweet varieties of miso from Kyūshū or Nagano Prefecture. If you live in an area where multiple types are available, experiment and find your favorite!
  • Miso provides a variety of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps in weight loss and is said to offer anti-aging properties. I recommend that everyone make it a part of their daily diet.
  • Some people use miso as the sole seasoning, but adding granulated soup stock provides a more savory flavor. Try it and taste the difference yourself.

(Originally written in Japanese with editorial assistance by Usami Rika and published on January 22, 2018. Photos by Natori Kazuhisa, except where otherwise noted.)

Cooking Washoku recipe Yukimasa Rika