“Politics Is About What Is Done—Not Who Is Doing It”


The influential Diet member Ishiba Shigeru shares his views on some of the diplomatic and domestic challenges facing Japan. In particular, he stresses the need to overcome the current restriction of collective self-defense and for Japan to raise its consumption tax sooner rather than later. Although a prominent member of the opposition LDP, Ishiba is eager to work with the current DPJ administration to address these crucial issues.

Ishiba Shigeru

Member of Japan’s House of Representatives. Born in Tottori Prefecture in 1957. After graduating from Keiō University in 1979, he joined Mitsui Bank, where he worked until 1983. After leaving the bank he won a Diet seat for the Tottori at-large district in the thirty-eighth general election (now the Tottori Prefecture first district), and has been reelected eight times. He has served as senior state secretary and as the minister for both the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and the Ministry of Defense. Major publications include Shokugyō seiji no fukken: Konmei kara no dasshutsu sore wa mutōhasō ga mezameru toki (Restoring Career Politics: Turmoil Will End when Independents Wake Up) and Kokubō (National Defense).

Economic Ties No Safeguard Against War

INTERVIEWER Forty years have passed since the normalization of relations between Japan and China. How will history look back on this period? And what can we expect for the future of Sino-Japanese relations?

ISHIBA The Japanese and Chinese economies have become totally interdependent, with neither able to survive without the other. In this sense, there is a positive legacy of those forty years. But strong economic ties are no guarantee of a future free of war. When World War I broke out, Germany’s top trading partner by an overwhelming margin was Britain. Lord Palmerston, who served as the British foreign minister and prime minister in the mid-nineteenth century, said that even the strongest economic ties will crumble in the face of nationalism.

I think that security experts need to bear in mind that if China is dead set on maintaining its Communist dynasty then almost anything could happen as a result of a change in the economic situation. There is a possibility that China’s population may begin to decline before its economy peaks because of the one-child policy. What has made the Japanese economy sustainable is the existence of a broad middle class, but the Chinese economy may reach its peak before its own middle class is in place. The foundation for ensuring regional stability in the event of a disturbance in China is, of course, the Japan-US Alliance. This bilateral alliance remains central to providing assurance to other Asian countries, checking any Chinese expansionist ambitions, and preserving the regional balance of power.

As with “dialogue and pressure,” simply repeating the words “Japan-US Alliance”—whether a hundred or a thousand times—will do nothing to strengthen the actual alliance. Rather, what clearly seems necessary is for Japan to be allowed the right to exercise collective self-defense. One ill-considered move by Japanese leaders—such as the statement from former Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio that the Futenma Air Station would be moved overseas, or at least outside the prefecture—has the potential to end the strong bilateral alliance in the blink of an eye.

Japan does not have to choose between the United States and Asia. This is because the Japan-US Alliance is premised on our engagement with Asia, and Japan is of no use to the alliance unless it is a powerful member of Asia. If Japan becomes able to exercise collective self-defense, the question becomes the extent to which it will be able to take over some of the roles now being played by the United States. An alliance isn’t about doing every last thing in a lockstep fashion. It seems appropriate for Japan to bear responsibility for certain aspects and geographic areas.

Consumption Tax Must Be Raised

INTERVIEWER With the current decline of Japan’s middle class, which has supported Japan’s economic development, how can the nation get back on a growth trajectory and restructure its public finances?

ISHIBA I am a strong believer in the positive role the consumption tax can play. It has the power to generate revenue sizable enough to make a real contribution to the welfare of an aging society. Not increasing the consumption tax, despite the rising expenditures on social security, results in a dysfunctional system—as can be seen in Japan’s current enormous national debt.

The graying of Japan’s population is expected to peak out around 2060. We are now at the second or third point along that mountain trail—the real challenges still lie ahead. Given the situation we face, it will not be enough to simply raise the consumption tax by 5 percentage points and leave everything else the same. At the same time, we must also think about increasing the overall size of the economic pie.

Within the DPJ, there is a faction led by Ozawa Ichirō opposed to raising the consumption tax until the economy picks up. It makes more sense, in my mind, to raise the tax as soon as possible to avoid passing on a huge bill to our children. There are also many cases where Japan’s warped tax policy is dragging down its economy. My impression is that the politicians have their eye on elections when they insist that tax reform must wait until the economy recovers. Even though politicians are always claiming to “put people’s lives first” they seem to be stuck in the same old approach of making no distinction between the affluent and those in need when it comes to expenditures related to the national child allowance, free high school, free expressway use, and the universal farm income support program.

Time Is Ripe for Political Restructuring

INTERVIEWER What do you feel it will take for Japanese politics to break out of its current impasse? Will it take a grand coalition government; or is a complete political restructuring necessary? We would love to hear your take on the situation as an LDP leader.

ISHIBA Political restructuring is essential, I believe, but the question is when this should be carried out. It’s easier to think about tax and social-security reform together. And since these issues must be addressed regardless of which party wins in the general election, it makes sense to start now. The LDP can offer advice in areas in which the DPJ might be lacking. Now is the chance to implement a unified reform of both the tax and social-security systems. And this could be followed by the dissolution of the Diet to hold a general election.

In order to make this move, Prime Minister Noda Yoshihiko would have to promise to dissolve the Diet. I think that he, unlike former Prime Minister Hatoyama, can be trusted to keep his word, and I am looking to Noda to make the right decision for that unified reform.

INTERVIEWER So you believe genuine restructuring will come after that?

ISHIBA I have always said that politics is about what is done—not who is doing it. In my twenty-five years as a member of the Diet, I have met plenty of people with more talent, decision-making skills, and vision than I have. Ideally, of course, things are best left to those best-suited to do them, but I like to team up with those who share a common purpose and then work together with them.

As for my personal goals, as I mentioned before, I would like to change Japan so it can contribute to regional order and stability. To begin with, I think that we need to make collective self-defense possible and also work to build a framework for Japanese politicians to handle domestic security policy intelligently and pursue security discussions overseas.

Hashimoto Tōru, the leader of the Osaka Restoration Association, has gained attention, and he is both extremely intelligent and very politically adept—head and shoulders above many others. But it would be wrong to uncritically accept all of the positions of the organization, just as it would be mistaken to vilify it and completely reject its policies. Political restructuring, not limited to the ideas espoused by the Osaka Restoration Association, will begin once Japanese politicians have arrived at a shared national vision.

Ishiba’s House of Representatives office is full of model airplanes and ships given to him by his constituents, as well as figurines of the 1970s idol group Candies, of which he is a big fan.

(Translated from a March 22, 2012, interview in Japanese. Interviewer Harano Jōji is representative director of the Nippon Communications Foundation. Photos by Ōkubo Keizō.)

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