Japan Should Look at Larger Biz to Set Govt Worker Pay: Panel


Tokyo, March 24 (Jiji Press)--An expert panel of Japan’s National Personnel Authority proposed Monday that the government look at workers’ salaries at larger businesses to decide those for national public servants.

The government should decide their workers’ salaries based on comparison with those at companies with at least 100 employees, instead of businesses with at least 50 employees that the government currently refers to, the panel said in a final report on measures to secure government personnel.

Until 2005, the government looked at companies with at least 100 employees to decide their workers’ salaries. This standard should be revived as early as fiscal 2025, the report said.

The report emphasized that salary levels comparable with those at private companies are essential to secure high-quality personnel for the government.

Based on the report, the National Personnel Authority will consider specific measures.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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