LDP Lawmaker Calls for New Leader to Replace Ishiba
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Tokyo, March 12 (Jiji Press)--Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Shoji Nishida said Wednesday that the Japanese ruling party needs a new leader to replace Shigeru Ishiba, the country's prime minister and current LDP president.
At a meeting of House of Councillors lawmakers from the party, Nishida said that a vote to choose a new party head should be held after the government's fiscal 2025 draft budget is enacted.
"While enacting the budget is our top priority, we can't go into the (upcoming Upper House) election" with the current leader, Nishida said.
It would be difficult for the LDP to fight the election if Ishiba remains in office, Nishida, an Upper House member, told the press after the meeting.
Ishiba "can't be the face of the LDP in the Upper House election," after the party suffered a humiliating defeat in last year's election for the House of Representatives, the lower parliamentary chamber, Nishida said.
[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]