Major Japanese Firms Accept Wage Hike Demands in Full


Tokyo, March 12 (Jiji Press)--Many major Japanese companies fully accepted the pay increase demands of their labor unions during their 2025 "shunto" spring wage talks Wednesday.

Employers agreed to raise wages considerably, as in the previous year, amid higher prices and serious labor shortages.

Now that the peak day is over for big companies' replies to pay hike requests, the focus has shifted to smaller businesses, which account for about 70 pct of employment in the country.

Toyota Motor Corp. accepted in full its union's wage and bonus requests

In the electronics industry, where labor unions made a uniform demand for a pay scale increase of 17,000 yen, Hitachi Ltd., NEC Corp. and Fujitsu Ltd. fully met all requests. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. agreed to raise its pay scale by 15,000 yen. The pay increases marked record highs for the four companies under the current negotiation style.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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