Japanese Apparel Industry Seeking Sustainable Fashion
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Tokyo, March 12 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese apparel industry is increasingly promoting the reuse of clothing as it hopes to make fashion more sustainable.
Overproduction and mass disposal of clothing, which cause massive greenhouse gas emissions, take a toll on the environment. About 60 pct of the clothes sold in Japan are thrown away, according to the Environment Ministry.
Apparel companies want consumers to enjoy what they call sustainable fashion with used clothing.
In November last year, an unusual fashion show was staged in Tokyo's Harajuku district with many fashion brand stores. All clothes and accessories worn by the runway models were used items collected from consumers by apparel makers or provided by the models themselves.
Marketplace app operator Mercari Inc. hosted the event, where newly made products were totally absent. Eleven companies, including apparel makers, took part.
[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]