Chirihama Beach Driveway: Oceanside Driving in Ishikawa Prefecture


Ishikawa Prefecture is known for seafood, but its waters have other charms, too.

The Chirihama coast stretches along Ishikawa’s Japan Sea coastline from Hakui south to Hōdatsushimizu. There you will find the Chirihama Beach Driveway, one of the only places in Japan where automobiles can be driven right up to the waterline.

Cars may park right up at the waterline, except during swimming season.

This sandy course is not limited to four-wheel-drive vehicles. Buses, motorcycles, and bicycles may all be driven along this sightseeing beach road, which extends for some 8 kilometers. The secret that makes this possible is the beach’s fine-grained sand, which packs together tightly when mixed with seawater.

The area is a popular route for tour buses, as well as motorcycle riders from around the country.

This beach is a rare site, providing the exhilarating experience of being able to drive alongside oncoming waves under a clear blue sky, as if in a movie.

The Chirihama coast provides special memories for drivers.

Chirihama Beach Driveway
  • Location: From Hōdatsushimizu to Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture
  • Access: Approx. 40 minutes by car from Kanazawa to the Chirihama Beach Driveway Imahama Exit, or 1 minute from Noto Satoyama Coast Expressway Chirihama Interchange
  • Free to access

(Originally written in Japanese. Created in cooperation with Kanazawa Cable Television. Banner photo: Drivers enjoy time on the sand at Chirihama Beach Driveway.)

Ishikawa tourism Hokuriku beach Japan Sea