Japan Data

Cherry Blossom Forecast 2025: Let It Bloom

Travel Guide to Japan

Sakura season is around the corner again. Check the forecast here to find when Japan’s famous cherry trees are expected to bloom.

On January 9, the Japan Meteorological Corporation published its first cherry blossom forecast for 2025. Temperatures across Japan from January to March are expected to be around the same as usual or higher, and the organization predicts that blooming will take place roughly as in a typical year.

It forecasts that sakura will blossom first in Kagoshima, Fukuoka, and Kōchi around March 22. In late March, the cherry blossom front will move from western to eastern Japan, before heading up into Hokuriku and Tōhoku in April. It is expected to reach the southern tip of Hokkaidō at the end of April; while Tokyo’s first bloom is predicted for March 24, Sapporo’s will come six weeks later, around May 1.

First Bloom and Full Bloom 2025 Forecast

The Japan Meteorological Corporation makes its predictions based on somei-yoshino cherry trees at some 1,000 viewing spots around the country. You can see updates for different places at the Otenki Navigator site (Japanese only).

(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo: Mount Fuji framed by cherry blossoms. © Pixta.)

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