Japan Data

Summer Vacation Woes: Three in Four Japanese Parents Worried About Children’s Meals

Health Food and Drink

A survey of Japanese parents found that many were worried about issues like ensuring the right nutritional balance for their children during the summer vacation.

In a July survey, Asken, which provides an app to manage dietary habits, asked its users about providing meals for their children during the school summer vacation in Japan. Out of the 1,148 responses received from parents of children in elementary and junior high school, 75.4% said they were “concerned” about meal preparation.

Are you concerned about making meals for your children during summer vacation?

The main concern that parents had was “not getting the right nutritional balance” (55.3%), which, along with “increased amount of snacks” (37.6%) and “being able to provide a balanced diet” (31.8%), indicated they were most worried about matters related to nutrition and eating habits. Some also mentioned that it is “hard to plan meals” and that they “spend more on food than during the school term.”

What are your main concerns about your children’s meals during summer vacation?

At 50.5%, parents placed greatest importance on providing meals that “can be made quickly.” In the case of parents in employment, their issue was how best to prepare the meals before leaving for work. This was closely followed by 49.2% who focused on “nutritional balance,” while “making sure to include vegetables” also ranked high with 39.3%.

What do you feel is most important for preparing children’s meals during summer vacation?

(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)

food children Health summer vacation