Japan Data

Legacy of Entrepreneur Shibusawa Eiichi Lives on in 167 Japanese Companies Today

Economy History

Shibusawa Eiichi was known for his involvement with hundred of companies as Japan modernized from the late nineteenth century. Many still exist today.

During his lifetime, Shibusawa Eiichi (1840–1931) was involved with around 500 companies as either an entrepreneur, executive, or investor, based on his belief in “contributing to the common good.” A survey conducted by Teikoku Databank shows that 167 Japanese companies still in operation today can trace their roots back to a company established or administered by Shibusawa, including 98 listed companies.

The top company linked to Shibusawa, in terms of nonconsolidated sales, is the energy giant Eneos, whose annual sales totaled ¥10.6 trillion as of 2023. Other influential firms connected to Shibusawa include companies involved in finance, insurance, or infrastructure. The top 10 companies with a shared “Shibusawa legacy” include the three megabanks MUFG, SMBC, and Mizuho Bank, which can trace its origin back to First National Bank of Japan, established in 1873 as the country’s first bank.

The roster of Shibusawa companies includes 85 companies with annual sales exceeding ¥100 billion.

Top 10 Companies Connected to Shibusawa Eiichi, Ranked by Sales

Breakdown of Companies Connected to Shibusawa Eiichi by Sales

Among the 167 companies related to Shibusawa, 110 have histories that stretch back over a century.

The company related to Shibusawa with the longest history is Isetan Mitsukoshi, founded in 1673 under the name Echigoya by Mitsui Takatoshi. Originally, this was a drapery shop, but in 1904 it was transformed into a department store named Mitsukoshi Gofukuten, in which Shibusawa played a major role. Another company with a long history is Shimizu Corporation, for which Shibusawa served as an advisor for many years. This major construction company built Shibusawa’s residence in Tokyo.

(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)

company Shibusawa Eiichi