Japanese Survey Finds Fever the Most Common Sign of COVID-19 Infection
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A JMA Research Institute survey of people who contracted COVID-19, found that many realized they had been infected after developing a fever, having difficulty breathing, or coming into contact with someone who had tested positive. Nearly half believed they had contracted it either at their workplace or at a restaurant.
The survey was conducted online from May 29 through June 4 this year, targeting 300 people nationwide.
Respondents were asked how they had realized they had contracted COVID-19, with multiple responses possible, and 33.7% said a “continuous fever for several days,” making this the most common way. This was followed by a “sudden high fever” (29.0%), coming into “contact with someone who tested positive” (23.7%), “difficulty breathing” (23.0%), “continuous fatigue” (22.7%), “lost sense of smell” (21.7%), and “lost sense of taste” (21.7%).
The most common location where respondents thought they had been infected, again with multiple responses possible, was the workplace (indoors) at 26.7%. Next were restaurants (22.3%) and at home (18.0%). In contrast, 17.3% said they had “no idea.”
Of the respondents, 66.0% had long-lasting symptoms after being infected. Looking at specific symptoms, with multiple responses possible, the one most experienced by people was fatigue at 24.0%. This was followed by impaired sense of smell (13.0%), coughing (13.0%), fever (11.3%), and impaired sense of taste (11.0%).
Asked about what degree of infection prevention measures respondents had been taking at the time they tested positive (single answers only), a total of 90% said that they thought they had taken either “sufficient” or “relatively thorough” measures.
Looking at the kind of measures they had been taking at the time (multiple responses possible), among the most common were “making sure to wear a mask outside the house” (72.0%), “using sanitizer every time in places where it was available” (57.0%), and “actively refraining from going out” (55.0%). Despite people taking what they considered to be effective measures, the results showed that there were still a lot of cases of infection.
(Translated from Japanese. Banner photo © Pixta.)