Stalking—and Saving—the Wild Eel: An Interview with Marine Biologist Tsukamoto Katsumi
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The Riddle of Reproduction
INTERVIEWER As a scientist on the cutting edge of research into the behavior of the Japanese eel, you’ve made it your next goal to observe the eels in the act of spawning. Can you explain the importance of this research? And did you make any progress on your latest expedition to the Marianas this past May?
TSUKAMOTO How the male and female eels manage to find one another to reproduce within the vastness of the ocean is truly a mystery, and no one has witnessed it actually happening. But we’ve been able to piece together a good deal about the process, largely from laboratory experiments and observations.
A Japanese eel egg collected along the western side of the West Mariana Ridge. (Photo courtesy of Tsukamoto Katsumi.)
During the daytime, the adult eels avoid predators that rely on their sense of sight by staying deep underwater [about 800 meters below the surface], where it’s completely dark and very cold. At night, they come up closer to the surface [about 200 meters underwater], where it’s warmer. Near the time of the new moon, the females ovulate in response to the higher temperatures in the shallow depths. At that time they emit a pheromone that attracts the males. The male bumps the female’s gills and belly to stimulate spawning, and the female releases a huge number of eggs, which the male fertilizes. This is what we’ve been able to surmise, but it’s based on the laboratory behavior of eels that were brought to maturity with artificial hormone treatment.
We need to actually observe this process taking place in the wild to determine how many males and females need to gather, and in what ratio, in order to reproduce effectively, and to figure out the precise physical, chemical, and biological requirements for an aggregation site. This information could provide crucial hints for managing and increasing stocks.
Large plankton net (3 meters in diameter) used by the research team to collect eel eggs and larvae. (Photo courtesy of Tsukamoto Katsumi.)
Furthermore, if we could establish the exact conditions under which the eels mature and spawn, it would aid in the development of full-cycle aquaculture, since that information should allow breeders to control the environment in such a way as to dramatically improve the quality of the eggs produced in captivity.
Unfortunately, as far as we can tell from our onboard observations, we didn’t manage to observe a spawning event on this year’s expedition. But we’re going to continue analyzing a wide array of observational data, including photographic images taken by our submersible and deep-sea cameras, to gather more detailed information.
Clues from Environmental DNA
On our 1991 voyage, we collected leptocephali [eel larvae] and analyzed them to get a general location of the eels’ spawning grounds. This was a large elliptical zone roughly 100 kilometers by 200 kilometers. In 2009, we succeeded in collecting eggs for the first time and were able to narrow down the location of the spawning grounds to within about 10 kilometers. We’ve also concluded that spawning occurs at a depth of around 200 meters. But the whole event is over before you know it, so if we want to have a decent chance of witnessing it, we need to be able to pinpoint the location to within a few hundred meters at the most.
The biggest achievement of our latest voyage was the application of a new technology, analysis of “environmental DNA,” which allows us to detect DNA from mature eels in samples of seawater. Our results suggest that we can use this technique to narrow down the location of the spawning site from 10 kilometers to several hundred meters.
We estimate that the peak of spawning activity occurs about three days before the new moon. On our latest expedition, we saw early indications of spawning activity in the eDNA five days before the new moon. Three days before the new moon we detected an abundance of DNA signals. I believe that spawning occurred not far from where we were.
The Shinkai 6500 manned submersible used in the team’s research. (©JAMSTEC)
Eel Appeal
INTERVIEWER As a biologist, what do you find most appealing about the freshwater eel?
TSUKAMOTO Eels are such strange fish that you sometimes wonder if they’re fish at all. They have no obvious fins except for the pectoral fins. The larval stage is also unusual; the leptocephali look nothing like the adult eels. And then you have those marvelously long, twisty, slimy bodies. Freshwater eels have amazing abilities. For example, they can breathe through their skin, so in a moist environment, they can survive on land for two or three days. They can also climb up a large waterfall.
But it’s their migratory behavior that I find the most fascinating. They swim thousands of miles just to return to the same area to spawn. How do they know where to go? How do they choose the spot? Why do they have to make such a long journey to start with? It’s just a continual source of wonder.
Japan is at the forefront of scientific research on freshwater eels. We’ve collected both adults and eggs from the spawning area of the Japanese eel and were even able to identify a specific spawning site. And our commercial aquaculture methods are the most advanced in the world.
Our researchers have already developed a closed-loop process that allows them to breed multiple generations in captivity, but it isn’t yet viable on a commercial scale. At the moment, the cost amounts to several thousand yen per glass eel. They need to get that down to well below a hundred yen to make it commercially viable. At a few hundred yen, the juveniles could probably be sold to eel farmers if elver landings were to drop sharply.
I’m hoping that, with a little more work, they’ll come up with a commercially viable method of producing glass eels in captivity. If eel farmers could raise their eels from those artificially bred elvers, it would greatly reduce the pressure on stocks of wild eels and open the way for sustainable use of this precious resource.
(Originally published in Japanese on June 26, 2017, based on an interview by Ishii Masato. Interview photographs by Ōtani Kiyohide.)