Takiguchi TakashiTAKIGUCHI Takashi
Sports editorial writer for the Mainichi Shimbun. Born in Osaka Prefecture in 1967. Since joining the Mainichi in 1990, has covered four Olympic Games. Won the 2014 Mizuno Sportswriter Award for his long-running series on early Japanese Olympic competitor Ōshima Kenkichi. Works include Jōhō bakuhatsu jidai no supōtsu media: Hōdō no rekishi kara toku miraizō (The Sports Media in the Age of the Information Flood: A Vision of the Future Based on Reporting History) and Supōtsu hōdōron: Shinbun kisha ga tou media no shiten (On Sports Reporting: A Newspaper Journalist’s Perspective on the Media).
article count : 30
last updated at : Jan 17, 2025