Uber Japan Launches Taxi Service for Teenagers


Tokyo, Dec. 11 (Jiji Press)--Uber Japan said Wednesday that it has launched a new service to allow children aged 13 to 17 to safely use taxis, including on their way to extracurricular activities.

The app for the service, called “Uber Teens,” has features that provide parents with real-time information on taxi locations and make audio recordings in taxis.

The service is initially available in major cities in 11 prefectures across the country, including Sapporo, Sendai, Osaka, Fukuoka and Tokyo’s 23 special wards.

In the service, children can create accounts under the management of their parents. Taxi fares are the same as for other users, while parents can set a payment limit.

Since 2023, similar services have been launched in 40 countries, including the United States.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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