Think Tanks Predict Upward Revision of Japan July-Sept. GDP


Tokyo, Dec. 3 (Jiji Press)--Japan’s revised real gross domestic product is projected to show an annualized increase of 1.0 pct in the July-September period, exceeding the 0.9 pct rise in a preliminary report released last month, according to the average forecast among 10 private think tanks.

Quarter on quarter, the 10 firms expect the July-September GDP to have grown a revised 0.2 pct on average, unchanged from the preliminary reading.

The Cabinet Office will release the revised GDP data for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 on Monday.

The average estimate among the 10 institutes on capital investment growth in the revised GDP data stands at 0.2 pct, better than the 0.2 pct decline shown in the preliminary data, reflecting the results of the Finance Ministry’s latest corporate activity survey report.

Many of the think tanks predict that public investment will be revised downward based on the results of the government’s comprehensive construction statistics.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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