Japanese Food Makers to Raise Prices for 109 Items in Dec.


Tokyo, Nov. 29 (Jiji Press)--Japanese food makers plan to raise prices for 109 items in December, the lowest monthly figure this year, a survey released by research company Teikoku Databank Ltd. on Friday showed.

The survey covered 195 major food makers.

Sato Foods Co. will raise prices for all 64 packed rice products due to higher rice prices, with the price of a 200-gram pack rising from 204 yen to 227 yen. Echigo Seika Co. will raise prices for 18 items, including a packed rice product, by some 12-15 pct.

Confectionery maker Lotte Co. will increase shipment prices for four items, such as a chocolate pie.

The total number of food items subject to price increases throughout 2024 is expected to fall by about 60 pct from the previous year to 12,520.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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