Ishiba Hints at Lower House Dissolution after Diet Debate


Tokyo, Sept. 27 (Jiji Press)--New Liberal Democratic Party President Shigeru Ishiba on Friday hinted at dissolving the House of Representatives for a snap election after holding a parliamentary debate.

"We must receive the (public) judgment as soon as possible after engaging in discussions with opposition parties," Ishiba told a news conference after winning the day's LDP presidential election, referring to the timing of the dissolution of the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament.

Ishiba is expected to be confirmed as prime minister at an extraordinary Diet session to be convened Tuesday.

On his eight rivals in the LDP race, Ishiba said, "It's natural to ask them to take the most suitable posts."

About a high-profile slush funds scandal that involved LDP factions, he stressed that the LDP must be a "party that keeps rules."

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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