Japan Extraordinary Diet Session to Be Convened Oct. 1


Tokyo, Sept. 24 (Jiji Press)--The Japanese government will convene an extraordinary session of the Diet, the country's parliament, on Oct. 1, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said Tuesday.

He presented the plan at board meetings of the steering committees of both chambers of the Diet.

The Diet's vote for the nomination of a new prime minister is expected be held on the first day of the extraordinary session. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party's new president to be elected on Friday is almost certain to be chosen as the 102nd prime minister of Japan succeeding the incumbent, Fumio Kishida.

The ruling and opposition parties will discuss the term of the session and deliberation schedule after the new LDP president is elected. The new prime minister is expected to deliver his or her policy speech on Oct. 4, followed by questions from party representatives in both Diet chambers on Oct. 7-9.

Opposition parties are asking for the convening of meetings of both chambers' budget committees and the questioning of lawmakers involved in the LDP's slush fund scandal at the political ethics panels of both chambers following party representatives' questions. The new LDP executive team will decide whether to accept these requests.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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