Gold Coins Marking Osaka Expo to Be Sold for 268,000 Yen Apiece


Tokyo, Sept. 20 (Jiji Press)--Japan's Finance Ministry said Friday it will issue gold coins in the denomination of 10,000 yen commemorating the 2025 World Exposition in the western city of Osaka for sale at 268,000 yen apiece, a record for gold coins.

Silver coins in the denomination of 1,000 yen will be issued for sale at 15,200 yen apiece, a record for silver coins.

The ministry attributed the record prices to soaring prices for gold and silver.

The gold coins will be made from pure gold and weigh 15.6 grams each. Their surfaces will carry designs of the Japan Pavilion, the Japanese government's pavilion at the exposition's venue, and the event's official character, Myaku-Myaku.

The silver coins will feature Myaku-Myaku and the rainbow.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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