Chinese Aircraft Carrier Enters Japanese Contiguous Zone


Tokyo, Sept. 18 (Jiji Press)--The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning has sailed in a Japanese contiguous zone between Yonaguni and Iriomote islands in Okinawa Prefecture, the Japanese Defense Ministry's Joint Staff said Wednesday.

It was the first time for a Chinese aircraft carrier to enter a Japanese contiguous zone. The Japanese government conveyed its serious concerns to the Chinese side.

Contiguous zones are areas adjacent to territorial waters and are set by a country within 24 nautical miles from its coasts based on the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

While vessels are allowed freedom of navigation in such zones, coastal countries can exercise certain powers to prevent smuggling and illegal entry there.

In August, Chinese military aircraft violated Japan's airspace for the first time off the Danjo Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture, and a Chinese Navy vessel intruded into Japan's territorial waters near the island of Yakushima, Kagoshima Prefecture.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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