Seibu Ikebukuro Dept. Store to Boost Upscale Brand Lineup


Tokyo, Sept. 12 (Jiji Press)--Sogo & Seibu Co. said Thursday it will strengthen the lineup of luxury brand items, cosmetics and food products at its flagship Seibu Ikebukuro department store in Tokyo when its renovation is completed next year.

The Japanese company aims to have the Seibu Ikebukuro store offer added value such as an extraordinary sense of excitement and shopping for special occasions, Sogo & Seibu representative director Jin Ryu said.

The store plans to reopen renovated areas in stages from the beginning of next year before the full opening as early as summer.

While the store is set to halve the floor space for its department store division, it will expand its sales area for upscale brand items by 1.3 times to accommodate some 60 shops.

The renovated store will feature about 60 cosmetics brands, while enhancing its basement food floor.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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