Nippon Steel, U.S. Steel Disclose Communications with USW


Tokyo, Sept. 12 (Jiji Press)--Nippon Steel Corp. and United States Steel Corp. have disclosed on their websites detailed communications via email and phone with the United Steelworkers, or USW, labor union, which is opposed to the Japanese steelmaker’s proposed acquisition of U.S. Steel.

“We believe these materials show Nippon Steel’s sincere and persistent dedication to developing and maintaining a trust-based productive dialogue and addressing any concerns that the USW members and leadership have,” the two companies said in a statement released Wednesday.

“In light of the public mischaracterizations of our communications with the USW and the commitments we have offered, we have decided to share our written communication with USW leadership,” they also said in the statement.

The disclosed materials include emails sent from Nippon Steel Vice Chairman Takahiro Mori to USW President David McCall between Dec. 18, 2023 and Sept. 3 this year.

In one of the emails, dated Sept. 3, 2024, Mori requested a meeting with McCall, saying, “I sincerely believe a face-to-face meeting is the best way forward.”

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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