Japanese Forced Sterilization Victims Likely to Get 15 M. Yen Each


Tokyo, Sept. 11 (Jiji Press)--A suprapartisan group of Japanese lawmakers is considering requiring the government to pay 15 million yen in damages to each victim of forced sterilizations conducted under the now-defunct eugenic protection law, people familiar with the matter said Wednesday.

The lawmakers' group plans to submit legislation to make the payments to a parliamentary session expected to be convened this autumn.

In lawsuits filed against the government, the Supreme Court in July granted up to 15 million yen in damages to each victim of forced sterilizations and 2 million yen to each of their spouses.

Lawyers' for the plaintiffs have asked the lawmakers' group to ensure that 15 million yen per person is paid to victims and 5 million yen to their spouses.

The lawmakers' group is considering making victims' spouses also eligible to receive damages.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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