Rakuten Mobile Launches Platinum Band Service

Economy Technology

Tokyo, June 27 (Jiji Press)--Rakuten Mobile Inc. on Thursday launched its own commercial service using a so-called platinum band, a frequency range that allows easier access to wireless networks even indoors, the Japanese company said.

The company launched the platinum band service in a Tokyo area. It plans to expand the service gradually, putting priority on areas in major cities where signals are weaker.

Rakuten Mobile Chairman Hiroshi Mikitani said in a press briefing that platinum band signals are stronger and can reach crowded places or underground from corner to corner.

Rakuten Mobile was allocated frequency slots in the platinum band from the communications ministry last autumn, and started trial operations using them in April. The company hopes that the new service will help it turn a profit.

The platinum band is a frequency band around 700 to 900 megahertz, and signals in the band can reach around obstacles easily.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

Jiji Press